Tooroongo Falls

There are a few really beautiful waterfalls in Victoria. My favourite, from those I have visited so far, would easily be Tooroongo falls. There are actually two different falls at the same location, featured on a 2km walk.

The falls are nestled amongst the Noojee state forest; meaning the drive there is absolutely amazing!

My friends and I agree that often the drive to these places is half of the fun. We usually stock up on snacks, play our favourite songs and really appreciate the journey.

I am actually quite proud that I was able to take such a clear photo whilst moving in a car!


At this particular location, the falls aren’t even the star of the show. The grounds around the falls are so incredibly lush, green & overgrown. You really get a sense of ‘untouched’ land here.



Pictured below is the Tooroongo falls.


This is the Amphitheatre falls.


It’s hard to capture the true essence of a place through photography. It would probably help if I had a better camera, or photography skills for that matter..

But I feel there is nothing compared to witnessing mother nature in person!

If you’re interested in visiting, additional info on this amazing place can be found hereĀ 

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