A picture says a thousand words

…. But we generally still need SOME writing to go along with pictures we post.

CAPTIONS: Not necessary for every photo, but is common with users on instagram & other social media platforms that use photography to convey certain messages/ideas. Succinct captions are better, usually, as the photo often does most of the ‘talking’. Recently I have been using Flickr and really like how some of the users choose to tell stories with their photo captions. It provides something extra to go along with the photo and is almost an invitation to share the experience.

HASH TAGS: Ahhhh. The infamous hash tag. Useful but overused. Tags are used by a multitude of online platforms to define and organise content. It’s really useful for trying to find other users with similar content; something I have been experimenting with Flickr. The problem I have with hash tags is the overuse of them, particularly on Instagram. I understand that it helps users branch out and possibly gain more of a following but nothing detracts from a beautiful picture more than a huge amount of tags.

USER TAGS: On most platforms you also have the ability to tag other users in the content you post. This is useful when you want to tag people, companies or accounts in your photos.

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