National Rhododendron Gardens

Taking a drive up to the Dandenong ranges is something I would highly recommend to anyone living in Melbourne! There are some really beautiful little towns and some amazing natural places to visit. You can pull over at a number of different look outs on your way, each featuring an altered view out across Melbourne.


The National Rhododendron Gardens is a definite must see! It is located in the sleepy little town of Olinda. The gardens were created in the 1960’s by the National Rhododendron society. It features a range of beautiful trees, plants and flowers – all with varying textures, scents and colours.



It is definitely hard to capture the gardens through photography as when you’re there, you are virtually surrounded by bounds of carefully curated gardens! It is truly an amazing place and I would strongly recommend you give it a visit! Free entry also – a massive plus for students 😉

Parks Victoria . 2009. National Rhododendron Gardens . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 8 April 2016].



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